
Container owner

name Setib
title Container properties

number 107/AS79/2015
material wood
present location
state of preservation almost complete
period OK
dynasty 6 (Merenre)
type Type I
updated typology rectangular (long), decorated (Type I)
shape rectangular (box)
lid flat
length 210 cm
width 59.8 cm
height 50 cm?
inscription yes
decoration yes
inner decoration yes
description almost completely preserved box coffin
lid broken into several fragments
N wall: 7 sacred oils
E wall outer: udjat eyes, inscription
E wall inner: false door and offering list
W wall: inscription
S wall: undecorated
lid: inscription?

Container findspot

locality Abusir
site Abusir South
location N of AS 31
tomb type mastaba
code of tomb AS 79
material of tomb limestone, mud bricks
dating OK, 6 (Merenre)
tomb owner Khemetnu
social position middle-ranking official
title imy-rA pr: “overseer of the house”
likely father of Setib
shaft 14
burial apartment burial chamber
body inside yes
archaeological context primary
remarks on archaeological context The wooden coffin was placed in a burial pit
The burial was partly disturbed by robbers.

Dulíková, Veronika – Peterková Hlouchová, Marie
2023 “Decorated coffin of king’s ornament Setib buried at Abusir”, in: Garcia Zamacona, Carlos (ed.). Variability in the Early Egyptian Mortuary Texts (c. 2600-1600 BCE), Leiden ‒ Boston: Brill [Harvard Egyptological Studies 21], pp. 29–81.