Container owner
name | |
title | |
sex |
Container properties
number | Suppl. 15801 |
material | pottery |
present location | Muzeo Egizio Torino |
state of preservation | |
period | PDP–OK |
dynasty | |
type | |
updated typology | |
shape | oval |
lid | |
length | |
width | |
height | |
inscription | |
decoration | |
inner decoration | |
description | Adult size. Slightly convex lid with 2 hollow handles. |
notes |
Container findspot
locality | Gebelein |
site | |
location | |
tomb type | |
code of tomb | |
material of tomb | |
dating | |
tomb owner | |
social position | |
title | |
shaft | |
burial apartment | |
body inside | yes |
archaeological context | |
remarks on archaeological context |
Donadoni Roveri, Anna Maria
1969 I sarcofagi egizi dalle origini alla fine dell’ antico regno, Roma: Istituto di studi del Vicino Oriente, p. 32, pls. 5 (1, 2).