
Container owner

name Qar
title tAyty zAb Taty
sex male

Container properties

number AB 12
material limestone
present location in situ
state of preservation good
period OK
dynasty 6
type qeresu
updated typology
shape rectangular
lid yes
length 3.1 m
width 1.5 m
height 2.02 m
inscription yes
decoration no
inner decoration no
description wooden planks covered with white colour
notes wooden planks covered with white colour

Container findspot

locality Abusir
site Abusir South
location westernmost part of the Central Mound area
tomb type mastaba
code of tomb AS 16
material of tomb limestone
dating 6 (Teti)
tomb owner Qar
social position vizier

photo: Kamil Voděra (CIE FA CU)
photo: Kamil Voděra (CIE FA CU)

Bárta, Miroslav 2009 “Tomb complex of the vizier Qar”, in: Bárta, Miroslav, Tomb complex of the vizier Qar, his sons Qar Junior and Senedjemib, and Iykai, Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague [Abusir XIII. Abusir South 2], pp. 51‒52, 72‒74, 113‒114, fig. 5.2.28, 5.2.29, 5.3.11‒5.3.13, pl. 7a,b;
Bárta, Miroslav 2009 “Zapomenutý vezír Kar a jeho synové”, Pražské egyptologické studie VI, pp. 21‒26;
Bárta, Miroslav 2006 “The Sixth Dynasty tombs in Abusir: tomb complex of the vizier Qar and his family”, in: Bárta, Miroslav (ed.), The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31 ‒ June 4, 2004, Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, pp. 51‒52.