
Container owner

name Rakhetra
title zAt nswt nt (Xt.f)
sex female

Container properties

material limestone
present location in situ?
state of preservation
period OK
dynasty 4, Rakhef
type rectangular
updated typology
shape  –
lid yes
length 2.4m
width 1.05m
height  –
inscription no
decoration undecorated
inner decoration no
notes Thrown on the debris to the south-west of the sarcophagus were a few human bones and part of a human skull, perhaps the remains of the Queen (Hassan 1950: 7)

Container findspot

locality Giza
site Giza
location S of the causeway of Rakhef
tomb type rock-cut tomb
code of tomb tomb of Rakhetra – No I
material of tomb limestone
dating 4
tomb owner Rakhetra
social position member of the royal family
title zAt nswt n Xt.f
 – king’s daughter of his body (Jones 2000: 819, no. 2993)
burial apartment burial chamber
body inside ?
archaeological context primary
remarks on archaeological context sarcophagus found completely empty with the lid shifted by the looters
the leg bones of a bull were found lying upon the lid.

Hassan, Selim
1950. Excavations at Gîza: 1934-1935. The mastabas of the sixth season and their description. Excavations of the Faculty of Arts, Fouad I University. Excavations at Gîza 6 (3). Cairo: Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte: Government Press.