
Container owner

name Rawer
title jmj-r kAt nbt nt nswt
sex male

Container properties

material limestone
present location Egyptian Museum, Cairo, EMC_JE_51950
state of preservation
period OK
dynasty (5/6) Baer, Strudwick/(4/5) Reisner
type qeresu
updated typology
shape rectangular with sharp edges (Reisner type d)
lid yes
length 2.54m
width 1.23m
height 0.94m
inscription no
decoration palace facade
inner decoration no
notes the sarcophagus was embedded in a recess in the floor

polished sarcophagus
Donadoni (Appendice B 40)
JdE, n.51950

Container findspot

locality Giza
site Central Field
location E of Menkaure’s pyramid, W of pyramid complex of queen Khentkaus
tomb type rock-cut tomb
code of tomb G 8310=LG 94
material of tomb limestone
dating 5
tomb owner Rawer (III)
social position high-ranking official
title jmj-r kAt nbt nt nswt
– overseer of all works of the king (Jones 2000: 262, no. 950)
burial apartment burial chamber
body inside ?
archaeological context primary
remarks on archaeological context

Porter, Bertha – Moss, Rosalind L. B.
1981. Topographical bibliography of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, reliefs and paintings III2: Memphis. Part 2: Ṣaqqâra to Dahshûr, 2nd, revised and augmented ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Griffith Institute, pp. 58, 242.
Lange, Kurt and Hirmer, Max
1955. Aegypten: Architektur Plastik Malerei in drei Jahrtausenden. München: Hirmer: tav. 49.
Hassan, Selim
1944. Excavations at Gîza 5: 1933-1934. With Special Chapters on Methods of Excavation, the False-Door, and Other Archaeological and Religious Subjects. Cairo: Government Press, pp. 296-297.