
Container owner

name Ptahhetep, Iysedjefa
title zAb jmj-r zS
sex male

Container properties

material limestone
present location
state of preservation
period OK
dynasty 6 – reign of Teti?
type rectangular
updated typology
shape  –
length 2.95m
width 1.19m
height 1.2m
inscription yes
decoration undecorated
inner decoration yes

Container findspot

locality Saqqara
site North Saqqara
location NE of the pyramid of Teti
tomb type mastaba
code of tomb mastaba of Ptahhetep, Iysedjefa
material of tomb limestone
dating 6
tomb owner Ptahhetep, Iysedjefa
social position low-ranking official
title zAb jmj-r zS(w)/imy-rA zS(w) (n) zAb?
juridical overseer of scribes overseer of scribes of the judiciary (Jones 2000: 803, no. 2933)
burial apartment burial chamber
body inside
archaeological context primary
remarks on archaeological context

Hassan, A. and N. Kanawati
1996. The Teti cemetery at Saqqara I: The tomb of Nedjet-em-pet, Ka-aper and others. Australian Centre for Egyptology: Reports 8. North Ryde (Sydney); Warminster: Australian Centre for Egyptology; Aris and Phillips.
Hassan, Selim
1975. Mastabas of Ny-‘ankh-Pepy and others. Edited by Zaki Iskander. Excavations at Saqqara 1937-1938 (2). Cairo: General Organisation for Government Printing Offices.