
Container owner

name Ptahhetep (II), Tjefi
title tAjtj-zAb TAtj
sex male

Container properties

material limestone
present location
state of preservation
period OK
dynasty 5, end Unas
type rectangular
updated typology
shape  –
length 3.3m
width 1.4m
height 1.94m
inscription yes
decoration undecorated
inner decoration no
notes mortar joining the lid with the case found intact, despite this fact the sarcophagus was robbed through the hole in E wall

Container findspot

locality Saqqara
site North Saqqara
location tomb to the W of the Step pyramid
tomb type mastaba
code of tomb D 64
material of tomb limestone
dating 5
tomb owner Ptahhetep (II), Tjefi
social position vizier
title tAjtj TAtj (n) zAb
– he of the curtain, chief justice and vizier (Jones 2000: 1000, no. 3706)
burial apartment burial chamber
body inside
archaeological context primary
remarks on archaeological context mortar joining the lid with the case remained intact, despite this fact the sarcophagus was stolen through a hole in the E wall

Hassan, A. and N. Kanawati
1996. The Teti cemetery at Saqqara I: The tomb of Nedjet-em-pet, Ka-aper and others. Australian Centre for Egyptology: Reports 8. North Ryde (Sydney); Warminster: Australian Centre for Egyptology; Aris and Phillips, p. 67, pls. LII, LIII.
Porter, Bertha – Moss, Rosalind L. B.
1981. Topographical bibliography of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, reliefs and paintings III2: Memphis. Part 2: Ṣaqqâra to Dahshûr, 2nd, revised and augmented ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Griffith Institute, pp. 600-604.
Hassan, Selim
1975. Mastabas of Ny-‘ankh-Pepy and others. Edited by Zaki Iskander. Excavations at Saqqara 1937-1938 (2). Cairo: General Organisation for Government Printing Offices.