
Container owner

name Persenet
title zAt nswt n Xt.f 
sex female

Container properties

material limestone
present location in situ?
state of preservation
period OK
dynasty 4 (Khafre to end 4)
type rectangular
updated typology
shape  –
length  –
width  –
height  –
inscription no
decoration undecorated
inner decoration no
notes daughter of Khufu, wife of Khafre

Container findspot

locality Giza
site Khufu-Khafre Quarry cemetery
location along western edge of Central Field
tomb type rock-cut tomb
code of tomb G 8156=LG 88
material of tomb limestone
dating 4
tomb owner Persenet
social position member of the royal family
title zAt nswt n Xt.f
 – king’s daughter of his body (Jones 2000: 819, no. 2993)
burial apartment burial chamber
body inside
archaeological context primary
remarks on archaeological context

Lepsius, C. R., Kurt Sethe, and Walter Wreszinski
1975. Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien: Text (reprographie A4 de l’édition originale), 5 vols. Edited by Eduard Naville and Ludwig Borchardt. Collection des classiques égyptologiques. Genève: Éditions de Belles-Lettres, p. 108.