
Container owner

name Nebtejemneferes
title unknown
sex female

Container properties

material limestone
present location in situ
state of preservation
period OK
dynasty 5 (Niuserre-Menkauhor)
type rectangular
updated typology
shape cuboid with sharp edges (Reisner type d)
lid yes, flat, slightly curved
length 2.7m
width 1m
height 0.94m
inscription no
decoration undecorated
inner decoration no
description summarily dressed, box shaped sarcophagus with flat slightly curved lid
notes bone fragments of a lady who died in her thirties and mummy bandages found inside the sarcophagus case

Container findspot

locality Abusir
site Central Abusir
location to the E of the pyramid Lepsius no. 24
tomb type mastaba
code of tomb AC 23 (M)
material of tomb limestone
dating 5
tomb owner Nebtejemneferes
social position member of the royal family

Krejčí, Jaromír, Vivienne G. Callender, and Miroslav Verner
2009. Abusir XII: Minor tombs in the Royal Necropolis I (the mastabas of Nebtyemneferes and Nakhtsare, pyramid complex Lepsius no. 24 and tomb complex Lepsius no. 25). With contributions by Viktor Černý, Martina Kujanová, Eugen Strouhal and Hanna Vymazalová. Excavations of the Czech Institute of Egyptology. Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, pp. 25-29, fig. 2.7.