Container owner
name | unknown |
title | |
sex | male |
Container properties
number | AB 219 |
material | limestone |
present location | in situ |
state of preservation | good |
period | OK |
dynasty | 6 |
type | qeresu |
updated typology | |
shape | rectangular |
lid | yes |
length | 2.5 m |
width | 1.1 m |
height | 1.05 m |
inscription | no |
decoration | no |
inner decoration | no |
description | intact undecorated and uninscribed sarcophagus of qeresu type made of white limestone, roughly manufactured, but sealed with pinkish mortar; two handles on the N side of the lid were cut off due to lack of space; human fingertips remained on the mortar that was used for sealing of the sarcophagus |
notes | original burial equipment consisted of four canopic jars, one beer jar and miniature copper vessels found in the burial chamber; decayed wooden stick, faience amulets and a piece of gold foil were placed inside the sarcophagus |
Container findspot
locality | Abusir South |
site | Abusir |
location | Central Mound |
tomb type | rock-cut tomb |
code of tomb | AS 68d |
material of tomb | limestone |
dating | 6 |
tomb owner | Nefer |
social position | high-ranking official |
title |
Bibliography Bárta, Miroslav – Vymazalová, Hana – Dulíková, Veronika – Arias, Katarína – Megahed, Mohamed – Varadzin, Ladislav |