
Container owner

name Nefer
title imy-rA prwy-HD
sex male

Container properties

number AB 220
material limestone
present location in situ
state of preservation damaged by a collapsed roof of burial chamber
period OK
dynasty 5 (Djedkare)
type qeresu
updated typology
shape rectangular (Reisner type d)
lid yes
length 2.24 m
width 1.05 m
height 0.8 m
inscription no
decoration no
inner decoration no
notes robbed burial chamber, a group of miniature model vessels made
of limestone was the only burial equipment found

Container findspot

locality Abusir South
site Abusir
location Central Mound
tomb type rock-cut tomb
code of tomb AS 68d
material of tomb limestone
dating mid 5
tomb owner Nefer
social position high-ranking official

photo: Miroslav Bárta (CIE FA CU)

Bárta, Miroslav – Vymazalová, Hana – Dulíková, Veronika – Arias Kytnarová, Katarína –Megahed, Mohamed – Varadzin, Ladislav