
Container owner

name unknown
sex female

Container properties

number Burial 538
material wood
present location
state of preservation fragmentary
period OK
dynasty 6 (Pepy II)
type rectangular (long?)
updated typology
shape rectangular
lid flat?
length ?
width ?
height ?
inscription ?
decoration ?
inner decoration ?
description small fragments of wood from a wooden coffin ?
notes phase Fe (Pepy II)

Container findspot

locality Saqqara
site North Saqqara
location W of the Step Pyramid, between enclosure wall and Dry Moat
tomb type mastaba
code of tomb anonymous tomb IV
material of tomb limestone
dating OK (6)
tomb owner unknown
social position
shaft 71
burial apartment burial chamber
body inside yes
archaeological context secondary
remarks on archaeological context grid square 1903
disturbed burial in anatomical order in a wooden coffin
no evidence of bandages, no evidence of excerebration

Myśliwiec, Karol (ed.)
2013 Old Kingdom structures between the Step Pyramid complex and the Dry Moat. Part 1, Varsovie: Neriton [Saqqara V], pp. 42–45, fig. 11, pls. XXIX, XXX.
2013 Old Kingdom structures between the Step Pyramid complex and the Dry Moat. Part 2, Varsovie: Neriton [Saqqara V], p. 425.