
Container owner

name Tetiankh
title HqA Hwt: administrator of estate
sex male

Container properties

number Burial 64
material wood
present location
state of preservation fragmentary
period OK
dynasty 6 (Pepy II)
type rectangular (long?)
updated typology
shape rectangular
lid flat
length ?
width ?
height ?
inscription ?
decoration ?
inner decoration ?
description small fragments of coffin ?
notes phase Ff (reused)

Container findspot

locality Saqqara
site North Saqqara
location W of the Step Pyramid, between enclosure wall and Dry Moat
tomb type mastaba
code of tomb tomb XI
material of tomb limestone
dating OK (6)
tomb owner Tetiankh
social position middle-ranking official
title HqA Hwt: administrator of estate
Spsw nswt: nobleman of the king
shaft 11 (main shaft)
burial apartment burial chamber
body inside yes
archaeological context secondary
remarks on archaeological context grid square: 2003/2004/2103/2104

Myƛliwiec, Karol (ed.)
2013 Saqqara V. Old Kingdom structures between the Step Pyramid complex and the Dry Moat. Part 1, Varsovie: Neriton, pp. 79, 85, figs. 31, pls. LXI.
2013 Saqqara V. Old Kingdom structures between the Step Pyramid complex and the Dry Moat. Part 2, Varsovie: Neriton, p. 427.