
Container owner

name Kagemni
title vizier
sex male

Container properties

material wood
present location
state of preservation decayed
period OK
dynasty 6 (Teti)
type rectangular (long?)
updated typology
shape rectangular
lid flat
length ?
width ?
height ?
inscription yes
decoration ?
inner decoration ?
description remains of wooden coffin in limestone sarcophagus, name and titles of Kagemni

Container findspot

locality Saqqara
site North Saqqara
location Teti pyramid cemetery
tomb type mastaba
code of tomb LS 10
material of tomb limestone
dating OK, 6 (Teti)
tomb owner Kagemni
social position vizier
title jmj-r prwj-HD, jmj-r Hwt wrt 6, jmj-r zS a nswt, jmj-r Snwtj, jmj-r kAt nbt nt nswt, tAjtj zAb TAtj, tAjtj zAb TAtj mAa, StAt nt nswt, jmA-a, jmj-jz, jmj-jz Nxn, jmj-r jzwj Xrj xtm mDAt, jmj-r jzwj Xkr nswt, jmj-r wabtj, jmj-r wpt jmj-r wDt nbt, jmj-r wDt-mdw nbt nt nswt, jmj-r prwj-nb, jmj-r n tA r Dr -f prwj, jmj-r njwt Dd-swt-ttj, jmj-r zS, jmj-r sDmt nbt, jmj-r Smaw, jmj-r gswj-pr, jmj-r tA mHw Smaw, jmj-r tA r Dr.f Smaw tA- mHw, jrj-pat, jrj nfr-HAt, aD-mr dwA-Hr-xntj-ptwr mA Iwnw, wtj Inpw, mnjw Nxn, rP nb, HAtj-a, Hrj-sStA, Hrj-sStA n wpt StAt, Hrj-sStA n mAAt wa, Hrj-sStA n mdw nTr, Xrj-tp Nxb, xrp jAt nbt nTrt, xrp m nTrw, xrp Hwwt nswt, xrp Hwwt nt, xrp Hwwt nt HDt-nt, xrp SnDjt nbt, Xrj-Hbt, Xrj-Hbt Hrj-tp, zS mDAt nTr, sm, smA mnjw, smr watj, sHD Hm-nTr Dd-swt-ttj, sHD Dd-swt-ttj, sDAwtj bjtj
shaft yes
burial apartment burial chamber
body inside yes
archaeological context secondary
remarks on archaeological context disturbed by robbers
limestone lining blocks of the burial chamber, decorated burial chamber
remains of coffin in sarcophagus
linen on the body, plaster mask (gilded) with features painted in black
2 travertine headrests and walking sticks inside the coffin
burial equipment: alabaster model vessels, crystal and alabaster ritual vessels, copper model tools and vessels, 4 travertine canopic jars, gold clasp from necklace, gold bracelet spacer, cylindrical travertine jar, copper ring stand

Firth, Cecil M. ‒ Gunn, Battiscombe
1926 Teti pyramid cemeteries, 2 vols, Le Caire: Imprimerie de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale [Excavations at Saqqara], pp. 20‒23.