
Container owner

name Gemniemhat
sex male

Container properties

number AEIN 1615 (Sq2X/Sq1Cop)
material wood (cedar)
present location Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Copenhagen
state of preservation inner coffin preserved
period MK
dynasty 12 (Amenemhat I)
updated typology
shape rectangular
lid flat
length 200 cm
height 66 cm
inscription yes
decoration yes
inner decoration yes
description set of two wooden coffins; inner one preserved, outer one decayed (exterior and interior decorated, painted yellow)
exterior: hieroglyphs incised and filled with blue-green colour
interior: painted decoration

Container findspot

locality Saqqara
site North Saqqara
location Teti pyramid cemetery
tomb type mastaba
code of tomb
material of tomb mud bricks
dating MK (12, Amenemhat I)
tomb owner
social position
title royal sealer, steward, overseer of the granaries, priest at the pyramid complex of King Merikare
shaft yes
burial apartment
body inside yes
archaeological context primary
remarks on archaeological context outside coffin: wooden models,
two statue of Gemniemhat, canopic chest, pottery, beef leg
inside coffin: mummy mask, jewels, staves, bows, trowing stick, headrest, sandals

Firth, Cecil M. ‒ Gunn, Battiscombe
1926 Teti pyramid cemeteries, 2 vols, Le Caire: Imprimerie de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale [Excavations at Saqqara], pp. 52, 230‒232, pls. 24‒26.
Lapp, Günter:
1993 Typologie der Särge und Sargkammern von der 6. bis 13. Dynastie, Heidelberg: Heidelberger Orientverlag [Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altägyptens 7], p. 44, Taf. 6‒7 [Saq 100].
Jørgensen, Mogens
1996 Catalogue. Egypt I (3000 – 1550 B.C.) Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, pp. 140‒149.