Container owner
name | husband of Sheretnebty |
title | unknown |
sex | male |
Container properties
number | AB 218 |
material | limestone |
present location | in situ |
state of preservation | good |
period | OK |
dynasty | 5 |
type | qeresu |
updated typology | |
shape | rectangular |
lid | yes |
length | 2.45 m |
width | 1.14 m |
height | 1.10 m |
inscription | no |
decoration | no |
inner decoration | no |
description | undecorated and uninscribed sarcophagus with qeresu type of lid made of fine white limestone nicely polished |
notes |
Container findspot
locality | Abusir South |
site | Abusir |
location | Central Mound |
tomb type | rock-cut tomb |
code of tomb | AS 68c |
material of tomb | limestone |
dating | 5 (Niuserre) |
tomb owner | husband of Sheretnebty |
social position | without relevant title |
title | unknown |
shaft | shaft 1 (the southern one) |
burial apartment | burial chamber |
body inside | no |
archaeological context | secondary |
remarks on archaeological context | robbers’ hole in the E wall of the sarcophagus chest and lid; limestone pedestal for the lid placed to the E of the sarcophagus; remains of the original burial equipment: faience beads, limestone pendants, pieces of gold foil, pottery vessels, canopic jars and animal bones were found scattered to the E of the sarcophagus |

Vymazalová, Hana ‒ Arias Kytnarová, Katarína
2017 “The development of tomb AS 68c in Abusir South: burial place of the king’s daughter Sheretnebty and her family”, in: Bárta, Miroslav ‒ Coppens, Filip ‒ Krejčí, Jaromír (eds.), Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2015, Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, pp. 435‒450.
Vymazalová, Hana
2015 “Exploration of the burial apartments in tomb complex AS 68. Preliminary report of the 2013 fall season”, Prague Egyptological Studies XV, pp. 43‒58.
Vymazalová, Hana
2014 “New evidence on Princess Sheretnebty from Abusir South”, Archiv orientální 82/1, pp. 1–19.
Vymazalová, Hana 2013 “Skalní hrobky v hrobovém komplexu princezny Šeretnebtej (AS 68): výzkum pohřebních šachet”, Pražské egyptologické studie XII, pp. 10‒19.
Vymazalová, Hana – Dulíková, Veronika
2012 “Výzkum hrobového komplexu princezny Šeretnebtej v jižním Abúsíru”, Pražské egyptologické studie X, pp. 26‒34.