Věra Nováková participated in the conference Egypt at its Origins 8 in Krakow (16th‒20th September 2024) with the poster “Burial containers of the late Early Dynastic Period and early Old Kingdom: Adherence to traditions or revolution?”.

In February 2024, the Austrian Academy of Sciences organized a conference Encasing body for eternity devoted to body containers of early periods in Egypt including the Old Kingdom. Marie Peterková Hlouchová presented the AEBC project there and demonstrated its potential in several case studies. 

Another conference devoted to burial containers, Coffins in the context, took place in Cambridge at the end of February 2024. This was an opportunity to present the project and a case study on coffins in the central, Memphite, area and provinces in the Old Kingdom to renowned scholars with the same focus (Marie Peterková Hlouchová). 

Marie Peterková Hlouchová, Věra Nováková: ‟Database of burial containers from the Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period”; paper presented on 5th July 2023 at the conference Ancient Egypt. New Technology in Naples (online).

Gersande Eschenbrenner Diemer, ‟Ebony or not ebony? The case of the blackwoods discovered by the Western Wadis archaeological mission (NKRF/University of Cambridge) located in Luxor area, Egypt”, paper presented on 29th June 2023 at the conference IWAA10: 10th International Workshop for African Archaeobotany in Paris.