Container owner
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Container properties
number | AN1895.635 |
material | pottery |
present location | Ashmolean Museum Oxford |
state of preservation | |
period | OK |
dynasty | |
type | |
updated typology | |
shape | rectangular |
lid | lid with raised ends |
length | |
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inscription | |
decoration | yes |
inner decoration | |
description | Rectangular decorated pottery coffin with a lid with upturned ends. Small holes are present at the upper corners of the coffin. The long sides of the coffin are decorated with vertical band in relief which “must have been made in imitation of a panelled wooden one” (Petrie – Quibell 1896, p. 6). |
notes |
Container findspot
locality | Ballas |
site | |
location | |
tomb type | mastaba |
code of tomb | No. 865 |
material of tomb | |
dating | OK |
tomb owner | |
social position | |
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shaft | |
burial apartment | |
body inside | yes |
archaeological context | |
remarks on archaeological context | A staircase tomb with one chamber to the east. A pottery coffin with a lid containing a body was discovered inside the chamber. “The arms were sharply doubled, and the legs bent over the body, with the knees above the chest. There were remains of much cloth under the body, but all black and falling to dust. The bones were exceptionally clean and strong. The head was to the south, the body on its back” (Petrie, Quibell 1896, p. 6). |

Petrie, William Matthew Flinders – Quibell, James Edward
1896 Naqada and Ballas, London: Quaritch, pp. 4, 6, pl. 44 (2).