Container owner
name | |
title | |
sex | male |
Container properties
number | No. 241 |
material | wood |
present location | |
state of preservation | |
period | OK |
dynasty | 6 |
type | palace facade |
updated typology | rectangular (long, palace facade) |
shape | rectangular |
lid | ? |
length | ca 2 m |
width | ca. 1 m |
height | ? |
inscription | |
decoration | |
inner decoration | |
description | rectangular wooden coffin with imitation panelled sides |
notes | five T-chapels wooden statues originally in the serdab |
Container findspot
locality | Saqqara |
site | North Saqqara |
location | Teti pyramid cemetery (SW of Mera) |
tomb type | mastaba |
code of tomb | |
material of tomb | MB retaining wall, sand and pebbles in the core |
dating | OK (6) |
tomb owner | Khaemsenu, Werdjededptah, Sehetpu |
social position | |
title | Khaemsenu: priest of pyramids at Abusir |
shaft | yes |
burial apartment | burial chamber |
body inside | yes |
archaeological context | primary |
remarks on archaeological context | blocking wall from LMS slab and large mud bricks Body in a rectangular wooden coffin Finds: pottery |

Firth, Cecil M. ‒ Gunn, Battiscombe
1926 Teti pyramid cemeteries, 2 vols, Le Caire: Imprimerie de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale [Excavations at Saqqara], p. 34.