Container owner
name | |
title | |
sex |
Container properties
number | |
material | pottery |
present location | |
state of preservation | |
period | OK |
dynasty | 3–4 |
type | |
updated typology | |
shape | rectangular with rounded corners |
lid | |
length | 110 cm |
width | 60 cm |
height | |
inscription | no |
decoration | no |
inner decoration | no |
description | |
notes |
Container findspot
locality | Ballas |
site | |
location | |
tomb type | mastaba |
code of tomb | No. 524 |
material of tomb | |
dating | OK, 3–4 |
tomb owner | |
social position | |
title | |
shaft | |
burial apartment | |
body inside | |
archaeological context | |
remarks on archaeological context | A staircase tomb with two chambers. According to Petrie and Quibell, this tomb had been robbed not long before they excavated it. The top of the chamber mouth had been left open, the bottom of the chamber was intact. At the east side of the tomb, a small chamber was located. An empty pottery coffin was found within. This coffin originally stood in the southern chamber, where an incomplete skeleton in the contracted position with the head facing north was discovered. Outside the chamber on the entrance stairway a complete skeleton lay on its left side, facing west, with one hand under the head and both legs bent. Two rough-faced pottery vessels and a fragment of an alabaster table were found in the northeast corner of the southern chamber. South of the skull of the second skeleton, one pottery vessel was discovered. |

Petrie, William Matthew Flinders – Quibell, James Edward
1896 Naqada and Ballas, London: Quaritch, p. 4, pl. 3 (3).