Container owner
name | unknown |
title | |
sex | male |
Container properties
number | AB 219 |
material | limestone |
present location | in situ |
state of preservation | good |
period | OK |
dynasty | 6 |
type | qeresu |
updated typology | |
shape | rectangular |
lid | yes |
length | 2.5 m |
width | 1.1 m |
height | 1.05 m |
inscription | no |
decoration | no |
inner decoration | no |
description | intact undecorated and uninscribed sarcophagus of qeresu type made of white limestone, roughly manufactured, but sealed with pinkish mortar; two handles on the N side of the lid were cut off due to lack of space; human fingertips remained on the mortar that was used for sealing of the sarcophagus |
notes | original burial equipment consisted of four canopic jars, one beer jar and miniature copper vessels found in the burial chamber; decayed wooden stick, faience amulets and a piece of gold foil were placed inside the sarcophagus |
Container findspot
locality | Abusir South |
site | Abusir |
location | Central Mound |
tomb type | rock-cut tomb |
code of tomb | AS 68d |
material of tomb | limestone |
dating | 6 |
tomb owner | Nefer |
social position | high-ranking official |
title | imy-rA prwy-HD – overseer of the two treasuries (Jones 2000: 133, no. 524) |
shaft | shaft 4 |
burial apartment | burial chamber |
body inside | yes |
archaeological context | primary |
remarks on archaeological context | intact burial chamber! |

Bárta, Miroslav – Vymazalová, Hana – Dulíková, Veronika – Arias, Katarína – Megahed, Mohamed – Varadzin, Ladislav
2014 “Exploration of the necropolis at Abusir South in the season of 2012. Preliminary Report”, Ägypten and Levante 24, pp. 15–38.
Bárta, Miroslav
2014 “Objev pohřební komory hodnostáře Nefera”, Pražské egyptologické studie XIII, pp. 3–6.
Bárta, Miroslav
2013 “Krásní kněží a tajemná princezna: tajemství rodinného pohřebiště v jižním Abúsíru”, Pražské egyptologické studie X, pp. 17–25.